Everything you need to know about Inline Duct Fan – Hon&Guan

Everything you need to know about Inline Duct Fan

A fan that is installed inline (within or attached to ducting) and utilized for extraction is known as an inline duct fan. An inline fan doesn't sit on the plasterboard or ceiling. Instead, it is usually in the attic or roof space, which is a little bit away from the bathroom.

What Is an Inline Duct Fan?

Inline duct fan are cylindrical and will replace one segment of ducting. If you want inline duct fan to be installed, your HVAC ducts need to be worked on, and they'll be visible. It all depends on what kind of unit you have. Some plug right in, while others need to be hardwired with a relay to the furnace that tells it to turn on and off.

Because of this, in some cases, an electrician may need to be hired to do the job. Before you buy something, make sure you know the shape and size of your ducts. This makes sure that you buy the right size unit.

Types of Inline duct fan

Hon&Guan Axial Inline Fan:

Axial fan motors are usually used in situations where a lot of air needs to be dragged out at low pressure. Low pressure means that the fan isn't good for a long duct run. 

Axial motors can be used for a lot of different things or systems.

  1. A small bathroom, ensuite, or laundry room.
  1. An installation that doesn't use a lot of ducting (less than a few meters).

Hon&Guan Centrifugal Inline Fan:

A centrifugal motor for an extraction fan is the opposite of an axial motor when it comes to how it works when there is pressure. The centrifugal motor is designed to work with long duct lengths, including bends, junctions, and many inlets and outputs.

Centrifugal motors can be used for a lot of different scenarios.

  1. Large heat exchange systems
  1. Large ventilation systems for the subfloor

Mixed flow inline fans:

These Inline duct fan are a mix of axial and Centrifugal fans. They are used for ducts that have bends and branches and long runs of the duct that need to be bent. They show centrifugal fan characteristics from a size of 150mm and axial fan characteristics from a size of less than 150mm. 

The Mix Flow Motor can be used in a lot of different way, such as;

  1. Large bathroom, bathroom with an ensuite, or laundry.
  1. An installation that has a fair amount of ducting (from 0-20 meters approximately)

Benefits of Inline Duct Fan:

Many people who choose to use an inline duct fan instead of a booster fan get a lot of advantages. Some of the them are shown below to make it easy for you to choose the best one out of many.

Several Intake Points:

You can have two different places for big bathrooms where the water comes in. With the help of a Y Junction, your inline duct fan gets a lot of various outlets or inlets for air.

Longer Duct run:

Using inline fans to connect the extraction point to the outlet is better if these two points are long way apart. Because they work with your ducting and are a better choice, standard booster fans won't work if you need to connect a bathroom fan to a vent on your roof.

The inline duct fan can be used for sub-floor ventilation and heat transfer.

The noise:

In the case of standard booster fans, the moment they're turned on, they make a noise that can be heard. They're easy to hear and can be a little annoying at times. But there is no more noise with inline duct fan because they move the air right through the ducts.

They aren't close to the room they are used for because they are positioned within the ducting inside the attic space. This reduces the noise level of the fan by a vast amount. The noise will almost not be there as long as you have a well-insulated roof.

The strength:

Inline duct fan have a lot more options than standard booster fans. They have high-power motors and come in a lot of different sizes.

 Parts of an Inline Duct Fan

  1. An inline fan

This fan's main job is to take air from one side and send it out to the other. When you connect them straight, this fan is used to pull in and expel heated and used air (Oxygen) from the grow tent.

  1. Air filters:

The main goal of this device is to remove small things from the air that passes through it. An air filter is mostly of charcoal (Activated Carbon), which is usually wrapped in a cylindrical mesh.

With the correct air filter use, you can keep outside smells, pollutants, contaminated air, and dust from getting into your grow tent.

Steps to put an inline duct fan in a grow tent

Before cutting your duct tube, read through all the steps. It should help you figure out the length of your duct tubes based on how your tent is set up.

  1. Connect the Duct Tube and the Air Filter

Connect one end of duct tubing to an air filter and the other end to the fan. Use duct clamps on both ends of the duct tube and make sure to keep them in place.

A small arrow should be marked on your exhaust fan to show you where the air is coming from. Ensure that the air path leads from the filter to the fan, as this will be for air input.

  1. Make Sure the Placement Is Right

Place the air filter and fan to get fresh air from a window or an outside source.

  1. Connect another Duct Tube.

Connect another duct tube to the fan's other end. Use a duct clamp to make sure the connection is safe. Pull the other end through the bottom of your tent.

Your grow tent must have a lot of places for air to get in and out. When everything is set up, air should go through the filter to the fan and then into the tent.

  1. Make Sure the entryway Is Locked.

Duct tape; the place where the duct tube comes in to make sure it doesn't fall. A duct clamp isn't a good idea at the entryway.

  1. Connect the Air Filter.

Attach a duct tube to the other air filter that is left behind. It's time to put the air filter inside your tent on top of the roof now.

  1. Make Sure You Can Get Out.

Take the duct's other end outside your tent through the hole in your tent roof. Tape this exit point, with duct tape.

  1. Connect the Duct Tube with the Fan.

Connect the duct tube that comes out of your tent roof to your other fan. Ensure the other end of this fan is connected to a duct tube. Take the tube's end out of another open window and it is good to work.

Parts needed to make an inline system.

 Intake Vent - You'll need an internal vent to serve as your system's extraction point. You can choose from a wide range of grilles and vents to match your home's style. It is best to buy a vent that will fit the ducting diameter you plan to use. 

Ducting -- When you connect the vent to the motor, you need a ductwork to connect the motor to the vent outside. The most common way to remove water from a bathroom is to use flexible ducting. It's best to keep the ducting as straight as possible not to bend.

Fans -- The most important component of the system, and the type of fan you choose will be determined by criteria such as the size of your space and the application for which it will be used. It would be best if you chose the right fan for your room, needs, and budget. For example, how big it is and what you're going to use it for will help you choose the right fan. 

Exhaust fan calculator – to help figure out how much air needs to be pushed out. As a general rule, it's a good idea to keep the diameter of your fan as small as possible. Remember that the fan was made to fit a specific diameter of ducting. 

Add-ons: A backdraft shutter can be put in the ductwork to stop the backflow of air, and it can also keep the system shut when the fan isn't running. To keep things together, you can use duct tape or worm clamps.


Simply put, an inline duct fan is a fan that is positioned directly inside ductwork rather than at one of its ends. These are employed in a variety of settings where a visible ventilation fan is either undesirable or not powerful enough to move air all the way through the ducts.

In this article, we have put together all the information regarding Inline duct fan and the methods to use and set it up in a system.



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